oil paintings

Zoom in or zoom out

What looks better?..that miniature tree in a faraway land or the giant mountain too close to reveal it’s rough undulating surface. Or is it the marshmallow-like clouds which make everything blurry when you are literally into them?

Being around your favorite person because you know them well can fill you with that adrenaline rush. But would you choose to stick around that same person if you knew them a little too well?!

I wonder.

oil paintings


Sometimes all you need to do is close your eyes and bow your head. Make a wish for that stranger who owes you nothing.Make wish for those helping hands to whom you owe your smile.

Let’s just say Thank-you to those powers which has made us what we are today. Afterall universe has its own plan!

oil paintings

Treasure Trove

Each of these painting reminds of all the beautiful comments and praises people had made when I first showed it to them. And the best part is each of them reflects my mood, my thoughts and my nuances of using the same brush with different strokes. This might not be the perfect collage, but this is a perfect reflection of my journey so far. Sometimes its good to pat on your back, isn’t it?!

oil paintings

Experiment it

Beginnings are not always as easy as they look like. Its not just about that one single step that makes the difference but its about those thousands several skipped heartbeats that gives the courage to take that one big step. Sometimes its not about that one right choice you made but its all about those several wrong decisions that made you do the right thing.

This miniature painting made me experiment with all the wrong choices of colors with a promise to burgeon something new, something unique.

oil paintings


Where there is abundant flow of energy, it’s your choice to become either one such source or the shining guide for that lost traveler in the dark. You may choose to just go with the flow or even stand strong and be a stark.

A plethora of feelings I faced in the past few months and tried to capture it on a single canvas.

oil paintings

Let it go

Its exactly when you feel life has washed out colors from your reason of being, new patterns start to emerge. And all of a sudden these new patterns suddenly start making sense. All you have to do is join those dots and see a brighter and newer side of it.

That’s exactly what I did in this painting, when the original one was washed away due to accidental spill of water. Hardly did I know then it was in the making of a better background for a newer painting!

oil paintings


A splash of colors is all you need to turn around that gloomy day into a vibrant one. One single tone does no good until it is mismatched with other shades and there goes the magic! try turning around your day too. See which mismatch is waiting for you!

oil paintings

Grow and Outgrow

To all those dark swamps that offer no scenic beauty to human eye becomes the breeding ground for one of the most beautiful flower and the national flower of my country, the Lotus. It is considered as an auspicious offering to Goddess Laxmi.

When a flower that can flourish from filthy environment, why cant we? what is stopping us? It is what we become that matters and not from where we come after all. A swamp is home for the unwanted weeds as well. It is up to us who we decide to be – the unwanted weed or the auspicious Lotus flower.

oil paintings


Sometimes just not planning ahead your day feels so right.

Sometimes sitting alone in your own cocoon feels so bright.

Sometimes not giving subtitles to your actions feels so satisfying

Sometimes keeping hours and hours to yourself heels your crying.

Why not let these Sometimes become the backbone of your day and instead of seizing every moment, just let it go with the flow. You never know …it might land you up your next big break and look..there you Go!

oil paintings

A view for the few

The word Quarantine dates back to the 980-1037 era when the concept of self isolation for 40days was introduced by a Persian scholar of medicine Ibn Sina in order to prevent human-to-human contamination.

Who knew that in 21st century also Quarantine would become the most widely performed activity! All thanks to the pandemic. But have you ever wondered how would this self-isolation actually feel to the victims?

How they would look out from that one window every day and every night, watching people hustling in that crowd, youngsters lamenting about the mundane everyday life. I wonder how they would wish to switch places with them. Life is the most precious gift one can have but unfortunately this realization comes only when its at stake.

Take a moment to open the curtains of your window and bask in that golden sunlight and let the positivity engulf you. Let not be that window a mere medium of wishful escape!